Incentives Are Currently Available for Your Business
- The US Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is offering $160M for public and private entities with authority over and operating at ports to purchase and install L2 and DC fast chargers through its Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities (RTEPF) Grant Program. FHWA will provide reimbursement of up to 80% of total eligible project costs. Applications are due July 26, 2023.
- The US Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is offering $8.9M for tribes to deploy clean and zero-emission transit buses and to purchase and install L2 and DC fast chargers through its Tribal Transit Program. FTA will provide reimbursement of up to 100% of total eligible project costs. Applications are due June 26, 2023.
- The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is offering $400M for school districts, charter schools, tribes, private school bus contractors, and eligible third parties to deploy clean and zero-emission school buses and to purchase and install L2 and DC fast chargers through its Clean School Bus (CSB) Grant Program. EPA will provide reimbursement of up to $195,000 – $395,000 per bus-and-charger bundle, depending on school district and bus details. Applications are due August 22, 2023.
- The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program allocates $5 billion in funding for EV charging infrastructure across 75,000 miles of highway across the country. Your organization must be within one mile of an established alternative fuel corridor to qualify and may need to meet other requirements as well.
- The 30C Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit, commonly referred to as the “federal tax credit,” gives qualifying businesses a 30% tax credit, up to $100,000, for the purchase and installation of EV charging infrastructure. Businesses must have installed the stations between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2032, and must claim the credit on their federal tax return. Guidance on new eligibility requirements is forthcoming, based on prevailing wages and the applicant’s location within designated census tracts.
ChargePoint is providing information on this tax credit only and is not the issuer of the tax credit. ChargePoint is not responsible for any issues that may result from your tax credit, including but not limited to: invalid tax credit submission, lengthy processing times or delays in processing or receiving your tax credit, any other issues pertaining to your tax credit.
Your Sustainability Goals Are Within Reach in California
- Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) is offering rebates for electric vehicle charging stations for commercial and business charging station. Get up to a $5,000 rebate for each electric vehicle charging station. Buy and install a maximum of 6 new level 2 chargers (single or dual port) per account OR substitute any level 2 charger with two new level 1 chargers (maximum of 12 level 1 chargers).
- Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) is offering a rebate to business customers who purchase new electric forklifts (class-1 or class-2) up to $2,000. (Limit 3)
- Anaheim Public Utilities Public Access Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate Program is offering rebates to commercial, industrial, and municipal customers who install publicly accessible Level 2 (240-Volt) or higher plug-in electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Under this program, customers will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses up to $5,000 per charging station for public access locations, or $10,000 for school, affordable housing, or publicly accessible DC fast plug-in locations (maximum of 4 charging stations). Eligible expenses include the charger purchase price and installation costs. In addition to the rebate, Anaheim will pay the City’s permit application fee for the EV charger.
- The Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVQMD) is offering up to 80% reimbursement on the equipment and installation of EV charging stations. This opportunity is available for but not limited to LEED certified buildings, retail centers, centers of worship, hospitals and public transit areas (bus depots, train stations, park & rides). The program is open until all funds are exhausted.
- The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Carl Moyer Program is offering funding for up to 50% of the eligible costs of infrastructure and installation of an EV charging station. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
- Burbank Water and Power businesses can lead the charge with BWP’s new Commercial Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate Program to give their customers and employees the charge they need to get where they are going. Rebates offset some of the costs of purchasing and installing EV charging stations for your business.
- CALeVIP 2.0 Golden State Priority Project (GSPP) Application window for projects located in Northern and Southern California coming soon! Application window: September 13 – November 3, 2023GSPP provides rebates for purchasing and installing eligible direct current (DC) fast chargers capable of at least a 150-kW guaranteed power output at each active connector. Incentives are available for project sites in the eastern and central regions of California. Eligible applicants can qualify for rebates up to $100,000 per connector or up to 50% of their project’s total approved costs, capped at $100,000 per active connector. Funding is only available for sites located in disadvantaged community (DAC) or low-income community (LIC) census tracts. Qualified applicants will be awarded funding based on a tiered application selection process that prioritizes shovel-ready projects. GSPP is funded up to $30 million through the California Energy Commission (CEC).
- The City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is offering Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger rebates for schools, non-profits, and multifamily properties. Qualifying organizations in the CPAU service area can receive up to $80,000 for installing shared use EV chargers. If you know a school, non-profit or multifamily property in Palo Alto that would benefit from our EV Charger Rebate or Technical Assistance Program, send us an email or call us (650) 729-2064.
- The Communities in Charge , focuses on accelerating the deployment of Level 2 EV charging stations in prioritizing locations where communities live and gather. The program prioritizes projects with a high degree of readiness, or “Ready to Go” projects, while also prioritizing Disadvantaged and Low-Income Communities. Applicants may qualify for the base incentive, at a minimum, up to $3,500 per eligible connector, or 75% of eligible costs, whichever is less; low-income and affordable housing multi-family housing project sites are eligible for an additional $3,500 and sites serving Tribal communities are eligible for an additional $3,500. The next application window is expected later this year.
- The Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District DMV Grant Program can provide up to $50,000 for eligible applicants to install Level 2 or higher public, fleet, or workplace charging stations.
- The Glendale Water & Power EV Rebate Program offers a $500 rebate to businesses who install a Level 2 charging station. Rebate applications will be accepted subject to availability of funds.
- The Hybrid and Zero Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) Funding for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero Emission Vehicles will launch April 2021. Rebates from $45,000 – $150,000 depending on weight class; plus an additional 10% for projects in disadvantaged communities, 15% for public transit agencies, or 65% for public schools are eligible on a first-come first-served basis.
- The Liberty Utilities Drive Program rebate budget of $1,750,000 is allocated between Residential and Small Business customers and available on a first-come, first-served basis until the rebate budget has been paid and/or fully reserved. The rebate may pay up to $2,500 of eligible costs to install the charger at commercial sites. Eligible costs include charging equipment, installation labor, permitting, design, and any required upgrades to the existing electrical system necessary for the installation of the electric vehicle charger. This includes costs for Small Business applicants to establish a separate commercial electrical service, if necessary.
- Marin Clean Energy (MCE) Charging Station Program offers rebates for Level 2 charging stations for workplaces and multifamily properties (market rate and low income with 4 or more units) of up to $$3,000 per Level 2 (L2) charging port for 2-20 ports per site. Additional $500 per charging port with Deep Green 100% renewable energy.
- Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District’s Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Program will reimburse District Board approved projects up to 80 percent of the total costs of infrastructure, charging equipment and installation where the maximum funding amount is determined by meeting general criteria.
- Peninsula Clean Energy’s EV Ready Program is a $28 million electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure program seeking to install 3,500 charging ports in San Mateo County over four years. Eligible commercial customers may be able to receive up to $90,000 for installing level 2 stations on their existing Multi-unit properties or employee parking lots. Publicly accessible non-residential sites may be eligible for up to $20,000 per property. For new construction sites, Multi-unit dwellings can receive up to $40,000 per property or $100,000 per Affordable Housing Multi-Unit Dwelling and Public Agency locations can get up to $250,000 per property.
- PG&E’s EV Fleet program supports level 2 and DC fast chargers in a variety of installation configurations based on a fleet operator’s needs. Eligible customers may be able to receive 50% of the cost of an eligible charging station up to $42,000. They also offer incentives to build out the necessary infrastructure to convert to an electric fleet with rebates ranging from $4,000 up to $9,000 for eligible vehicles.
- PG&E’s EV Fast Charge Program pays for, coordinates, and facilitates construction of the electrical infrastructure from the utility pole to the parking space at a limited number of competitively selected sites.
- PG&E’s EV Charge, Schools, Parks, and Beaches Program may provide a rebate of up to $15,500 for Level 2 stations at schools, and provide even more costs savings to State Parks and beached for fleet and public usage in support of California’s electrification goals.
- The City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is offering EV charger rebates to eligible customers that own or operate a school or non-profit, as well as multifamily and mixed use properties. Qualifying organizations in the CPAU service area can receive up to $30,000 for installing EVSE that will be available to multiple users. Rebates are limited to Level 2 EVSEs or higher.
- The Pasadena Water & Power’s Commercial Charger Incentive Program offers $3,000 rebate for installation of smart Level 2 (240V) charging stations for commercial, workplace, MUD, and fleet customers. Rebates of up to $6,000 per charger are available at specific sites including publicly accessible, schools, affordable housing, and DAC.
- Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) financing program allows property owners to borrow funds to pay for energy improvements, including purchasing and installing EVSE. The borrower repays over a defined period of time through a special assessment on the property. Local governments in California are authorized to establish PACE programs. Property owners must agree to the program guidelines to receive financing. Financing available for up to 15% of the first $700,000 of the property value and 10% of the remaining property value.
- Redding Electric Utility (REU) is offering a $3,000 account credit per installed electric vehicle charging station (up to 10) that is Level 2 or greater.
- The Sacramento County Incentive Project (CALeVIP) promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure by offering $14 million in rebates for the purchase and installation of eligible Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers in Sacramento County. $7.7 million in rebates is available for Level 2 EV chargers, and $6.3 million is available for DC fast chargers.
- SDG&E Power Your Drive for Apartments and Condos EV Charging Infrastructure Program offers a one-time rebate for both single and dual port chargers, network service and maintenance. You may be able to receive up to $17,000 for your Level 2 charger installation at an applicable site. The one-time rebate is not applicable for SDG&E-owned and maintained chargers.
- The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Commercial Electric Charger Incentive Program is accepting rebate applications for Level 2 and DC fast chargers on a first-come, first-served basis. SMUD is providing $1,500 per Level 2 EV charging port at workplace and multifamily locations with a maximum of 20 incentives per property. SMUD is offering an incentive of up to $100,000 for each DC fast charger project, consisting of at least two DC fast chargers and one Level 2 station.
- San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District’s Alt Fuel and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program is offering funding for up to 50% of eligible costs of the infrastructure and installation, and up to 60% if the project is publicly accessible, subject to the maximum award amounts stipulated in the RFP. Projects funded under the AB923 guidelines may be eligible for funding up to 65% of eligible costs (consult APCD). Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
- The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Charge Up! Program is accepting applications for rebates up to $6,000 for dual port Level 2 charging stations and up to $25,000 for Level 3/DC Fast Charging stations. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
- The San Joaquin Valley Incentive Project promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure for the purchase and installation of eligible electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Funding in San Joaquin and Kern Counties for level 2 projects is still available. Applicants are selected on a first-come first-served basis and may be eligible for reimbursements of up to $6,000 per Level 2 Charger.
- The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District 2023 Clean Air Grants for Infrastructure Program is coming in July 2023 and provides grants for the installation of new, conversion of existing, and expansion to existing non-residential level 2 or higher battery charging stations located in Santa Barbara County. Successful projects will be eligible to receive a grant within a range from $10,000 to $250,000. Priority will be given to projects located at multi-unit dwellings or low-income communities.
- Silicon Valley Power provides a rebate up to $500 when you install an electric vehicle charging station. This program offers EV charging station rebates for home, multifamily housing, schools, and non-profit facilities. There is an additional grant available to multi-family housing units that provide below market rental units.
- Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Charge Ready Program offers rebates for qualified EV charging equipment, and provides make-ready at the site for the equipment. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are exhausted.
- Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) Charge Ready Transport (CRT) Program offers low-to no-cost electrical system upgrades to support the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment for qualifying vehicles. This program provides a unique opportunity for fleet operators choosing to acquire electric vehicles by providing support and reducing the costs with installing the necessary charging equipment.
- Southern California Level 2 Incentive Project, a California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) program, is offering incentives for electric vehicle (EV) charger installations. The Project offers a rebate up to $6,000 per connector for eligible Level 2 charging equipment installed in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis beginning on April 5, 2022. This program offers a base rebate of up to $3,500, an additional $500 for chargers installed in Disadvantaged Community (DAC) or Low-Income Community (LIC), and an additional $2,000 for a multi-unit dwelling (MUD) site. If the site qualifies as both a DAC and LIC, each Level 2 connector is only eligible for an additional $500.
- The Tehama County Air Pollution Control District Carl Moyer Program is accepting applications. EV Infrastructure projects can be funded up to 60% if publicly accessible, 50% for all other projects, and 100% for Public School Bus recharging projects. This is a competitive program and applications are accepted until September 30, 2020.